Jujutsu Kaisen Diorama figure Satoru Gojo- Suguru Geto (Suit Ver) Special (A: Satoru Gojo) [Pre-Order]
Estimated Release: 30th November 2024
Step into the world of “JUJUTSU KAISEN” with Satoru Gojo, impeccably dressed in a sleek suit. This diorama captures his effortless suaveness, making it a must-have for those who find themselves captivated by his charm. Add this figure to your collection and let the strongest sorcerer guard your display.
The figure is approximately 15 cm in height.
<img class="tpimg" align="center" title="Jujutsu Kaisen Diorama figure Satoru Gojo- Suguru Geto (Suit Ver) Special (A: Satoru Gojo)
[Pre-Order]” alt=”Jujutsu Kaisen Diorama figure Satoru Gojo- Suguru Geto (Suit Ver) Special (A: Satoru Gojo)
[Pre-Order]” src=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0367/9101/files/figurines-jujutsu-kaisen-diorama-figure-satoru-gojo-suguru-geto-suit-ver-special-a-satoru-gojo-br-pre-order-38284267454543.jpg”>