2.5 Dimensional Seduction Glitter & Glamours Liliel Angel Paratroopers Ver. [Pre-Order]
Estimated Release: 31st December 2024
Liliel Angel is a fictional character in the manga series, 2.5 Dimensional Seduction. Liliel Angel is considered a sexy 2D manga character with a popular following of Otakus. The main character, Okumura has no interest in real girls and only has his heart for Liliel.
The figure is approximately 20 cm in height.
<img class="tpimg" align="center" title="2.5 Dimensional Seduction Glitter & Glamours Liliel Angel Paratroopers Ver.
[Pre-Order]” alt=”2.5 Dimensional Seduction Glitter & Glamours Liliel Angel Paratroopers Ver.
[Pre-Order]” src=”https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0367/9101/files/02_3f46b7a1-3012-40ec-97c7-1f11707e61ca.jpg”>